Spartan Blood Drive

Bloodmobile in Hines Hall Parking Lot
The We Are Blood bloodmobile will be on campus today taking donations for the Travis County blood bank. All St. Stephen's community members are invited to make a donation if eligible to do so.

Here's a link to the donation page.  In an open donation slot, leave your name and phone number (last part not required but useful for remding people of their upcoming donation).  If a student can only donate in a slot that an adult has already taken, the student gets priority.
Additional details about the drive:
  • Bloodmobile should be parked underneath Hines Hall.
  • Students can sign up to donate during lunch and during advisory/chapel, and those absences will be excused.  Please don't miss academic classes to donate.  You'll receive an hour of service-learning credit.
  • Need to be 17 and feeling well to donate.  Please also have eaten and drunk plenty of fluids before donating.  Be able to take it easy afterwards. Will take about 45 minutes to donate, and you'll need a picture ID to be admitted.Here's a link to the elibigility guidelines, including some related to recent travel to different parts of the world:  
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213