What are the COVID-19 testing, quarantine and isolation protocols for residential students this year?

St. Stephen's has established a number of COVID-19 testing, quarantine and isolation protocols for residential students this school year.
Last Updated: October 28, 2020

Whether residential students do their quarantine before arriving on campus or after they arrive, each student will need to provide documentation of their negative test results to our Health Center prior to their arrival or upon entry. A positive test will require a 14-day quarantine off campus before re-entry is permitted. Families will need to make their own arrangements if this is the case. Families also will be responsible for the cost of this test if it is not covered by an individual’s health insurance policy. (Note: Students enrolled in the UnitedHealthcare Student Plan should check with UnitedHealthcare to confirm if this test would be covered under the plan.)
Unfortunately, because students will be coming from many different locations, the school cannot provide a universal way to administer pre-arrival tests for all students. However, we have provided an order from our school physician to assist you in ordering this test. This physician’s order will be available in your Magnus Health account. Please work with your local community health department and/or primary care provider to find a place to have this testing done. If you have any questions, please reach out to healthcenter@sstx.org
The testing requirements for pre-arrival tests are as follows: 
  • The sample must be obtained with a nasopharyngeal swab.
  • A PCR SARS-CoV-2 test is required (antibodies or other antigen tests are not acceptable).
  • The test must be performed within 10 days of re-entry to campus, and results must be presented to gain entry to campus.

Before residential students arrive at St. Stephen's, we ask that they self-quarantine at home. By self-quarantine, we mean limiting exposure to anyone who does not typically live in your home, wearing a face mask around non-family members, avoiding crowds/gatherings and other public facilities/establishments, and limiting unnecessary travel. During those 14 days, we ask that parents check your child's temperature and screen for COVID-19 symptoms.

  • A measured temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees or feeling feverish
  • Chills 
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If a fever or symptoms are present during the quarantine time, please consult with a healthcare provider and provide a letter to the St. Stephen’s Health Center that confirms the student is free from infectious disease before coming to campus.

Additionally, students will need to present negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR nasopharyngeal swab test results before they arrive on campus or upon their arrival. This test should be performed within 10 days of the arrival to campus. Several days after their arrival (3-4 days), students will receive an additional SARS-CoV-2 PCR nasopharyngeal swab test. The return time on the lab results can vary quite a bit; therefore, we cannot guarantee when the quarantine will end.

After the 14-day self-quarantine is complete and a student receives a negative result for a test that was performed on campus, students will be able to move through the dorm and around campus in safe ways, including wearing a face covering while inside except when in their dorm room, maintaining 6 feet between themselves and others, and frequently and thoroughly cleaning their hands.

Residential students who elect to quarantine on campus will first need to present negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR nasopharyngeal swab test results upon arrival. This test should be performed within 10 days of a student’s arrival to campus. Students will be accommodated in single occupancy dorm rooms and will be under the careful watch of our Residential Life team, Health Center professionals and school counselors during this quarantine. Nurses will check students' temperatures, symptoms and general well-being several times a day and as needed. They also will be available to answer students’ questions and provide education and guidance. 

When in the dorms, residential students will need to remain in their rooms, unless using the common bathroom. While students do not need to wear a face covering in their own dorm room, they should wear masks in the hallways and while in the bathroom, except when they are showering. 

Following are a few additional safety measures we will enact for the common dorm bathrooms: plexiglass dividers, sanitation supplies that are available to students and limiting occupancy to one student at a time. Our cleaning staff has developed enhanced disinfection and sanitation schedules, which are in line with the requirements put forth by regional health authorities. 

Meals will be prepared on campus and delivered to the dorms. Students will be encouraged to eat outside with others, while maintaining a safe distance and under careful supervision. However, students in quarantine should go outside to eat and exercise only with other students in their pod -- defined as those students they share a bathroom with. While in quarantine, students will be engaged in remote learning, school preparation and orientations, and physical and social activities that adhere to our quarantine guidelines. 

Several days after their arrival, residential students will receive an additional SARS-CoV-2 PCR nasopharyngeal swab test. 

  • If the results of this test are negative, students will continue with their quarantine. After the quarantine is complete, students will be able to move through the dorm and campus in safe ways, including wearing a face covering while inside except when in their dorm room, maintaining 6 feet between themselves and others, and frequent and thorough hand cleaning.
  • If results of the test are positive, students will be relocated to an isolation area under the care of the Health Center staff, who will continue to monitor them for symptoms, as well as help them with meals and daily needs

Residential students will be relocated from their dorm rooms to comfortable isolation spaces if they test positive for SAR-CoV-2 or are presumed positive for COVID-19. If parents are able, we ask that you pick up your child and bring them home to be under your care. If you are not able to pick up your child, but if you have a reliable and appropriate guardian who could supervise your child during their recovery, we ask that you prepare for those arrangements. We understand that this may not always be possible and we will provide care in exceptional cases. 

During their isolation time, students will be under the care of the Health Center staff, who will continue to monitor them for symptoms, as well as help them with meals and care for their daily needs. Even if students are asymptomatic, they will need to remain in the isolation spaces until cleared by our Health Center staff in accordance with our protocols. In the event that a student needs additional supportive care, we will have the student transported to one of the children's hospitals nearby.


1) If a residential student comes in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or someone who exhibits symptoms consistent with positive COVID-19 diagnosis (e.g. an individual yet to be tested or waiting on results).
The residential student is subject to be quarantined for 14 days. On Wednesday, Oct. 21, the CDC issued a new definition of close contact as part of its overall COVID-19 guidelines. Close contact is now defined as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. This kind of close physical contact can create direct exposure to infectious secretions. 

2) If a residential student requests overnight leave off campus.
  1. Residential students must submit an overnight request no less than one week before departure. (Note: Exceptions will be made only in emergency situations.)  
  2. While on an overnight leave, the residential student must abide by the same physical distancing and mask standards that have been outlined for on-campus activities. 
  3. Upon returning to campus following an overnight leave, the residential student must go directly to the Health Center to get checked for symptoms.
  4. The residential student will then be assigned a temporary designated room on campus where they will remain for 14 days. The residential student will be administered a SARS-CoV-2 PCR nasopharyngeal swab test that will be charged to the student's account.
  5. During this 14-day period, the residential student will take their courses online and be asked to limit movement around campus. (See Quarantine instructions above.) 
  6. Once the residential student has finished their quarantine and they receive negative test results, they are free to move back into their dorm room.  
  7. If the residential student tests positive, they will need to isolate themselves on campus or go home for 14 days or until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result. (See Isolation instructions above.) While Testing is helpful, it is not an adequate substitute for the 14-day quarantine.

    Other Situations
    There may be additional events in which individuals encounter risks for exposure to COVID-19. In these cases, individuals will be required to follow the above quarantine and testing measures.

Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213