Sara Tahir

Assistant Director of Admission
Barrington, Rhode Island
Office Responsibilities
I work on international recruiting and admissions. My role involves meeting with prospective students and families to learn more about them and what interests them about St. Stephen’s.
St. Stephen's Is Great Because...
It’s a community that deeply cares about doing right by students. Learning doesn’t happen just in the classrooms – it happens on the athletic fields, in dorms, and even at lunch. Each and every student is known deeply and provided with the support they need to thrive both inside and outside of the classroom. 
Favorite St. Stephen's Tradition
I love that at lunch there’s an opportunity to sit together with students and to hear their stories. It’s such a unique opportunity to meet everyone at St. Stephen’s!
Hobbies and Interests
I am a lifelong learner and recently I’ve started to take pottery classes and teach myself how to play the guitar. When I’m not learning something new, I love to travel, hike, read, cook, and play the ukulele.
If You Visited My Office, You'd See...
A couple of early pottery projects that are lopsided and slightly misshapen. They remind me that it’s okay to make mistakes. 
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213