Model Entrepreneurs Host Mock “Shark Tank” Event

St. Stephen’s Model Entrepreneurs Club swam with the sharks in late January during a special mock “Shark Tank” event they hosted on campus. Shark Tank presentations are the capstone event for Model Entrepreneurs, as members work to develop their project ideas from the beginning of school in August to January. Throughout these few months, club members learn the detailed process of starting their own business.
During the mock Shark Tank, four student groups pitched their product ideas to a panel of three venture capitalists from the Austin area. The young entrepreneurs created companies specializing in hairspray, heated jackets, social media development and gardening. The event proved beneficial to all club members, as they received helpful feedback from the panel of professionals on marketing strategies and product improvements.
St. Stephen’s Model Entrepreneurs Club is a student-led organization that meets once a week and currently comprises about 30 students. The mission of the club is to foster the next generation of young entrepreneurs through education by covering the fundamentals of business to cultivate their interests as future leaders and inspiring innovation that positively impacts the world.
In addition to hosting their own mock Shark Tank event, the club invites guest speakers from around Austin to teach members the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship.
The club’s next project will be a partnership with Breakthrough Central Texas students. The club also maintains a website, Project M.E., that contains information on the group’s events and weekly lesson plans. St. Stephen’s Model Entrepreneurs is sponsored by Jon McCain, who teaches economics at the school.
—Edbert Wu, Class of 2020
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213