Middle School Courses

Academic Departments


  • Theology 8

    Theology 8 is designed to lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of God, self and religious perspective from analytical and comparative points of view, emphasizing the Judeo-Christian tradition. Methods include readings, discussions, guided reflection and collaborative work. Skills involved include close critical reading, written and oral expression, and the ability to reflect on one’s own experiences. Desired learning outcomes include a greater knowledge of the depth and breadth of the Judeo-Christian tradition, among others, as human beings grapple with the mysteries of existence and the human condition. Students take Theology 8 in the 8th grade, and they must pass the course to complete their Middle School experience. Evaluation is based on demonstration of knowledge acquired, depth and insight of thinking, creativity in making connections among these materials and the students’ life experience, and quality of expression of that knowledge and those insights.

Middle School Faculty

  • Photo of Morgan Stokes
    Morgan Stokes
    Lay Chaplain and Theology Instructor
    The University of Texas at Austin - M.S.S.W.
    The University of Texas at Austin - B.A.
  • Photo of Ed Thompson
    Ed Thompson
    Middle School Chaplain and Theology Instructor
    Nashotah House Theological Seminary - M.Div.
    Cuttington University College - B.A.
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213