Sophomore Community Service

With renewed energy and challenge to spark a sense of service, the Sophomore Community Service Day took place Wednesday, April 23rd. Students attended shortened classes in the morning and Lisa Orr's Earth Day program in the afternoon. The sophomore projects will take place late morning until the end of the school day.
Dean Coe reports it was great day of service at 8 different sites including Down Home Ranch, West Cave Preserve, Blunn Creek Nature Preserve, Creative Action, Marbridge Facility, El Buen Samaratino, Perez Elementary Outdoor project and the Mobile Loaves and Fishes garden project.  The Capital Area Food Bank group created 1,600+ pounds of food and 1,400+ meals/people fed.
Address: 6500 St. Stephen's Dr., Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 327-1213